/* ------------Peek-a-boo------------- */

How the average person is doused in pain, and set alight by grinding a blunt fork up and down your elbow. Life is miserable, so lets take it out on a blog.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Violence in video games leads to violence in real life; and Mahatma Ghandi is your mother

Grand Theft Auto. Remember when parents, religious people and the government wanted to ban the game and hang the developers, as it promoted violence? A load of bollocky codswollop!

It's not as if a pixellated computer generated character is going to jump out of the screen and murder your child (although, you might want to run a google search on "Mr Happy Face"). Nor is your child going to start around shooting old ladies because he mugged a few people in video games.

First person shooters are full of blood and gore, and you tend to die a lot in them. Hardly encouraging people to go out and blow people up, is it? I proudly have a fragrate of over 1 in America's Army, but it's not 2. Which means every time I kill 3 people, I get killed twice. In real life, since it isn't two, that means I kill one person, then die. I don't want to die, and neither do impressionable kids.

This is another case of stupid, stupid people being placed in charge.

Here's proof that violent video games actually PREVENT violence

"Hey mom, can I get this game?"
"No. It has a "Beware, violence" sticker on it"
"It has an age rating of 15, and I AM 15."
"Yes, but you will go out and start beating people up if I let you play it"
"What are you talking about? It has violence between soldiers in it, I'm hardly going to joinup to the army"
"No, you're not getting it"
"But I want it! I won't become violent if you get me it. Come ON!"
"I said no!"
*child beats up mother for not buying game*

We can safely conclude that denying children violent games results in violence.

Moggy's Tip of the Day:
"Pepperami sticks are good rulers of third world states"

Is that because a pepperami stick contains more calories than the average national calorie intake of that third world country?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 FR isnt 2 u know. u will never be a blizzard wizzard like me muahahwhahahaw

4:47 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

u will never be a good playe rlike me, 1fr isnt 1.82 u know ! and ur not ablizzard wizzard muahgahahaha !

4:47 pm


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